Single-case discriminated unions are a great way to avoid primitive obsession.
We can create a new type that simply wraps the value of another (typically primitive) type. In F#, this is a simple one-liner:
type ItemId = ItemId of int
By using ItemId instead of int, we can ensure that it is used only in places where it is explicitly requested. Also, using this type is self-documenting.
For example, this function:
let getItem (x: ItemId) =
can't be called with a different type (let's say CustomerId
) - preventing mistakes that could happen if we used just int
When we need to access the value inside the type, we can take advantage of the fact that pattern matching can be used on the left-hand side of let:
let itemId = ItemId 42
let (ItemId value) = itemId
And in function parameters:
let getItem (ItemId value) =
And also in lambda functions:
[ ItemId 1; ItemId 2; ItemId 3 ] |> (fun (ItemId value) -> value)
But sometimes using pattern matching can be cumbersome because we must create a new binding. We can improve this by defining a helper member on the DU type:
type ItemId = ItemId of int
with member this.Value = let (ItemId value) = this in value
Then we can use itemId.Value.
keyword is shorthand syntax for writing let
binding and following expression in one line. Learn more on fsharpforfunandprofit.member this.Value =
let (ItemId value) = this
Another advantage is that we can restrict the usage of our type. For example, we can disallow comparing values (because for IDs it doesn't make sense):
type ItemId = ItemId of int
(ItemId 1) < (ItemId 2)
This will generate an error: The type 'ItemId' does not support the 'comparison' constraint because it has the 'NoComparison' attribute1