This week, we continue with custom comparison. Let's deep dive into writing custom comparisons.
If we examine the last example of custom comparison:
[<CustomEquality; CustomComparison>]
type Record = { Id: int; Name: string; ActivityLog: string list }
member private x.Compare y =
compare {| Id = x.Id; Name = x.Name |} {| Id = y.Id; Name = y.Name |}
override x.Equals y =
match y with
| :? Record as y -> x.Compare y = 0
| _ -> false
override x.GetHashCode() =
hash {| Id = x.Id; Name = x.Name |}
interface System.IComparable with
member x.CompareTo y =
match y with
| :? Record as y -> x.Compare y
| _ -> -1
We can simplify it a little more by creating a function for the anonymous record we are using for comparison:
[<CustomEquality; CustomComparison>]
type Record = { Id: int; Name: string; ActivityLog: string list }
member private x.CompareRepr = {| Id = x.Id; Name = x.Name |}
member private x.Compare y =
compare x.CompareRepr y.CompareRepr
override x.Equals y =
match y with
| :? Record as y -> x.Compare y = 0
| _ -> false
override x.GetHashCode() =
hash x.CompareRepr
interface System.IComparable with
member x.CompareTo y =
match y with
| :? Record as y -> x.Compare y
| _ -> -1
This way, we can specify which fields we want to compare, easily allowing us to ignore some fields in both equality and comparison. We can reuse this template for any type where we want to define custom comparison. The only things we need to change are the CompareRepr
method, the Record
type annotation, and the two occurrences of Record
type check.
🔎 The only reason why we need to do that :? Record
type checking is that the compiler expects the Equals
and CompareTo
methods to accept parameters of type obj
We can also use the same template to change what is compared for some fields - for example, easily implement structural comparison for some fields that don't support it:
[<CustomEquality; CustomComparison>]
type Record = { Id: int; Name: string; ActivityLog: System.Collections.Generic.List<string> }
member private x.CompareRepr = {| Id = x.Id; Name = x.Name; ActivityLog = x.ActivityLog |> Seq.toList |}
member private x.Compare (y: Record) =
compare x.CompareRepr y.CompareRepr
override x.Equals y =
match y with
| :? Record as y -> x.Compare y = 0
| _ -> false
override x.GetHashCode() =
hash x.CompareRepr
interface System.IComparable with
member x.CompareTo y =
match y with
| :? Record as y -> x.Compare y
| _ -> -1
This works fine but has a performance problem — we are creating new anonymous record objects for every comparison. That could be slow when sorting big collections of these objects. The best way to solve this is to write Compare
and GetHashCode
in a way that avoids new object allocations. To do this in a reusable way, we need to write some helper combinator functions.
Compare function
in .NET works so that it returns 0
if items are equal, less than zero if the first item is smaller, and more than zero if the second item is smaller. The result of these functions cannot be easily combined out-of-the-box, but we can write a simple combinator function:
let inline compareBy f x y = compare (f x) (f y)
let inline compareComb g f x y =
let r = f x y
if r <> 0 then r else g x y
creates a compare function from a projection function, allowing us to create a compare function for one field. compareComb
combines two compare functions together in a pipeline-friendly way. By using inline
, we avoid the performance cost of calling these functions.
We can rewrite Compare
like this:
member private x.Compare (y: Record) =
let compareFun =
(compareBy <| fun x -> x.Id)
|> compareComb (compareBy <| fun x -> x.Name)
|> compareComb (compareBy <| fun x -> Seq.toList x.ActivityLog)
compareFun x y
Hash function
Combining two hash codes is more complicated (as shown in this StackOverflow answer), but thankfully .NET has a helper method System.HashCode.Combine:
let inline hashCombine y x = System.HashCode.Combine(hash x, hash y)
override x.GetHashCode() =
|> hashCombine x.Name
|> hashCombine (x.ActivityLog |> Seq.toList)
This way we can create efficient custom comparison by combining simple functions, without need to write hash or compare functions from scratch.